I have had a wonderful time here on blogspot but now am moving on to a more photography friendly blog! I have created a great new blog full of info and abilities to show great photography. I will no longer be updating on here but please continue to follow me at my new BLOG home: http://www.elleticulaphotography.com/blog/
Lots of Love!
End of this BLOG please visit the NEW BLOG- http://www.elleticulaphotography.com/blog/
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Welcome to Belgium! It is a beautiful country, with two official languages, French and Flemish. I learned I can do neither very well. :P I can however appreciate the beauty of the country.
why is it that in Europe the planes have nicer seats than ours? my chair was leather, here you would only ever get leather in First class, I was in last row coach!
First stop in Belgium was Charleroi where my family resides and welcomed me in with open arms! Did I mention I really love my family? Well let me tell you they are the best! I also happened to go at the right time as all of them were off for Easter Vacation!
These are known as Goffes with Chantilly, but to me it was a superbly well done waffle with the most amazing whip cream on top.
My cousin Diana with the deliciousness!
My cousin Mikey channeling Spiderman:
Say Hello To my wonderful Aunt and Uncle and to The beautiful BRUGGE! It is rumored to me by many as one of the most beautiful towns! I happened to agree and the fact that most of its inhabitants ride everywhere on bikes just made the town a keeper for me.
The Brugge cathedral is beautiful on both the inside and outside.
here is one of all of us in front of the cathedral and also I believe that city hall.
You can not go to Belgium and not indulge in chocolate!
Brussels in Lights: We briefly stopped here and walked by this! I had to take this shot!
I was taken to a few castles along the Belgium path and this was the first:
Came back to find my little cousins with some friends in the backyard messing around, had to document their cuteness!
Next Day we were off to another castle in Dinat. About an hour away from the French border it had the most amazing river scene I have ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. I felt as if in a dream. We picnicked on some strange thing they called a kebab but was quite delicious though not so much traditional.
One last goodbye to the Belgians before off to Germany! I loved every minute of my trip in Belgium: Thank you for making it the best it could have been! See you next 4th of July!
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Telling your story....
I started into the world of photography at a very young age with the help of my very photo addicted mother. There was never an event in our lives that she did not want to capture and remember. She was very much into the sit there and look here photography. I wasn't. Instead, I would always volunteer to take the picture. :) I developed my style by trying a very different approach to how to capture the moment. I wanted to show the truth of the moment. I began to find the smiles that were secretive and genuine, only shown to friends and family. I paid attention to people being themselves, in their environment. And thusly, I fell in love with an art form that let me tell stories of the people I knew and loved.