Short and Sweet!

I have quite a few sessions I've done recently but I haven't had the time to blog them just yet! But here is a quick one I did for a face you've seen before: Seth! He turned 6 months the day his mom brought him over! Here are a few from our short outdoor shoot!


Anonymous said...

Adorable! I love these pictures of Seth! He's quite the model! I'm a proud aunt!

Telling your story....

My Photo
Rooted In Truth
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I love to capture the beauty of life, the simplicity of joy, and the art of truth. I am an on location natural light photographer based out of southeastern Michigan and this is my story:
I started into the world of photography at a very young age with the help of my very photo addicted mother. There was never an event in our lives that she did not want to capture and remember. She was very much into the sit there and look here photography. I wasn't. Instead, I would always volunteer to take the picture. :) I developed my style by trying a very different approach to how to capture the moment. I wanted to show the truth of the moment. I began to find the smiles that were secretive and genuine, only shown to friends and family. I paid attention to people being themselves, in their environment. And thusly, I fell in love with an art form that let me tell stories of the people I knew and loved.
