A Moment to Remember: Jess & Paul

This past week I had a the awesome job of capturing the beauty of an amazing bride and groom: Jess & Paul. The ceremony and reception was held at the wonderful Ekklesia Church in Westland!

The day started with me meeting the bride at the hairdresser Simona's house which I love for they do fabulous work: Shear Perfection. There we took her bridal photographs of her getting ready and taking in the day. Her son Tristan showed up half way through the session and I have to say that he was the quietest 6 month old I have ever met!

We then proceeded to do some speed racing on the freeway to try to get to the church on time. We made it with 10 minutes to spare and then realized some of the VIP guests had not arrived so we had plenty of time still. Hey but the ride was fun!

When we walked into the church I was beyond speechless it had been completely redesigned just for the wedding. Diana Pop- did a wonderful job of reinventing the church for a special occasion! She did everything from the flowers, to the table settings. The cake was also made by a church member and it was not only beautiful but tasted divine! I was so enamored by how the church and its members got together and gave Jess and Paul a wedding they will never forget! Everyone pitched in somehow to help out, that to me that speaks of a fruitful and blessed church, when its body is active in service and spirit!

After the ceremony was over and hors d'ouvers were being served I gathered the wedding party and took them outside for some group shots. I think while they loved the idea the weather was less then convincing: 15 degrees is what my car was registering. However, despite the cold they were great, full of fun and witty banter.

I had an amazing time at this wedding and I will not soon forget the people that were such an inspiration to me on that day. Jess and Paul, I pray for a blessed marriage for the two of you. May God always be the center of your lives, from that all things will go well! Congratulations!


Telling your story....

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Rooted In Truth
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I love to capture the beauty of life, the simplicity of joy, and the art of truth. I am an on location natural light photographer based out of southeastern Michigan and this is my story:
I started into the world of photography at a very young age with the help of my very photo addicted mother. There was never an event in our lives that she did not want to capture and remember. She was very much into the sit there and look here photography. I wasn't. Instead, I would always volunteer to take the picture. :) I developed my style by trying a very different approach to how to capture the moment. I wanted to show the truth of the moment. I began to find the smiles that were secretive and genuine, only shown to friends and family. I paid attention to people being themselves, in their environment. And thusly, I fell in love with an art form that let me tell stories of the people I knew and loved.
