Back to the blogging board...

I've been MIA from the blogging business for over a month now and I think both you and I are getting a bit antsy for more... ;) Don't worry I have been in full functional mode for photography but just had to take care of non-fun day to day activities such as taxes, car stalls, and general I don't want to stuff. Now I'm back in the saddle again.

I have purchased my ticket to travel to Europe for 6 fabulous backpacking weeks. I intend to go visit quite a few relatives and friends around the continent, and also enjoy a week of vacation time verifiably uninterrupted! I am in euphoria just thinking about it. I will "try",( much force on the try because I don't want to promise that much and not come through) to document some of my travels on the blog! YAY! So in retrospect I plan on taking everyone with me on my vacation! lol I hope you enjoy it as much as I will! Plan to visit Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Romania with me!

I have a fully packed photography schedule before and after my time off! So if you're considering booking a session for when I come back I'd start getting ready to dial my number or shoot me an email.

Life is getting on in full force around here and I'm loving it!

I wish everyone a Wonderful Wednesday!
God Bless!


Telling your story....

My Photo
Rooted In Truth
View my complete profile


I love to capture the beauty of life, the simplicity of joy, and the art of truth. I am an on location natural light photographer based out of southeastern Michigan and this is my story:
I started into the world of photography at a very young age with the help of my very photo addicted mother. There was never an event in our lives that she did not want to capture and remember. She was very much into the sit there and look here photography. I wasn't. Instead, I would always volunteer to take the picture. :) I developed my style by trying a very different approach to how to capture the moment. I wanted to show the truth of the moment. I began to find the smiles that were secretive and genuine, only shown to friends and family. I paid attention to people being themselves, in their environment. And thusly, I fell in love with an art form that let me tell stories of the people I knew and loved.
